2011 - 2013 Community Quilts

Santa Barbara News Press Article, December 4, 2012:
Barbara McCallum and Edalee Keehn display three of the colorful quilts donated to VNHC by the Coastal Quilters Guild of Santa Barbara and Goleta. The women are members of the guild's Community Quilts program. Bottom photo, "The quilts are made from kits that include fabric for the top and back of the quilt and batting for the filling. Also included is a label to be sewn on the finishedpiece that says, 'Presented by Coastal Quilters Guild of Santa Barbara and Goleta,' said Edalee Keehn.
(Photos by SBNP)
September 2012
This year we have selected three local agencies to be the recipients of our Community Quilts projects: Hospice and Visiting Nurses; Unity Shoppe and Hillside House.
Hospice and Visiting Nurses care for the terminally ill. We will be donating lap and nap sized quilts. The quilts will be selected and presented to individuals by the visiting nurses giving primary care to the patient. The quilts will then be kept by the family. We are also making placemats for Serenity House.
Unity Shoppe will be receiving cradle bedding to go with the wooden cradles made by the woodworking class at Adult Education. Unity Shoppe will also receive lap and nap quilts for adults and children and babies.
Hillside House is a permanent residence for physically disabled individuals, many with cerebral palsy. Our goal is to give one lap or nap-sized quilt to each of the 59 residents. We would like very much to give each of the residents a Christmas stocking as well.
Thank you for your generous contribution of your time and talent.
Most Frequently Asked Questions
- Are we making quilts for babies, children or adults this year?
We’re donating quilts for recipients of all ages. Our sponsored agencies include Hospice and Visiting Nurses, Hillside House and Unity Shoppe.
- What quilt sizes are needed?
We are making wheel chair sized quilts for Hillside House. Approximate size is 36” X 45”. We will accept any other size quilt. Those quilts will go to Hospice or Unity Shoppe.
- 3. Do I have to use a kit?
No, you may use your own fabric. We will do our best to provide batting and some quilt backing fabric.
- May I change the fabrics in the kit?
Yes, please feel free to add or substitute fabrics from your own collection.
- Should I return unused kit fabric?
Return any remaining fabric if it is ¼ yard or larger. Please return the plastic bag and patterns.
- Must I use a specific pattern?
Please feel free to use any pattern which appeals to you. We have several patterns for your use.
- May I tie the quilt?
Because of its intended use, please hand or machine quilt your donation. Nancy King is still offering to machine quilt for a fee of $45 for CQ Projects. She can be reached at 687-2063. Her website is www.sbcustomquilting.com
- Do I have to wash the quilt?
Yes! The quilt should be washed after it is made and needs to be free of scent.
- When are the quilts due?
The quilts for Hillside House are due at the June Guild Meeting.
The other quilts will be distributed at various times during the year.
- How do I label the quilt?
Please attach guild labels which are provided with your kit or available at the Guild Meetings.
- Should you find that you do not have time to make this project, please return the kit.
- If I have any other questions, whom should I contact?
If you have any questions, please call or email:
Edalee Keehn keehnronald2@msn.com 682-4675 or
Barbara MacCallum maccallum@cox.net 964-6476
~ Co-Chairs: Edalee Keehn, Barbara MacCallum, Nancy Miller, Carol Hart

Our December 9, 2011 visit to St. Vincent's with all the beautiful quilts and Christmas stockings for the mothers and children in St. Vincent's Family Strengthening Program and the children in St. Vincent's Gardens.

Our Valentines Day 2012 dellvery of placemats to Food From the Heart. Note the 'heart' stitched on every placemat!